Top Rare Autoimmune Diseases To Watch Out For

Generally speaking, your immune system keeps you safe from infectious diseases and illnesses. It produces certain cells that are meant to attack foreign cells when it detects these types of pathogens. This is due to the capacity of the immune system to distinguish between cells in the body as well as know which ones are harmful and which are beneficial.

Though the majority of individuals associate disease with viruses and bacteria, these illnesses can sometimes result from the body’s natural defenses working against them. However, if you suffer from an autoimmune condition, your immune system mistakenly views your skin and joints as indifferent parts. Thus, proteins released by the body, known as autoantibodies, target healthy cells.

The body’s immune system can be just as harmful to other entities as it is to its own tissues. Individuals with an overactive immune system frequently experience many autoimmune diseases concurrently, causing destruction in their bodies. Common examples include rheumatoid arthritis and multiple sclerosis, which affect the joints and myelin sheath, respectively.

Certain autoimmune illnesses are limited to a single organ, just nerve cells,  blood vessels, or other organs. The digestive system is harmed by type 1 diabetes. Some illnesses can impact your whole body, such as systemic lupus erythematosus or lupus.



What Can Cause Autoimmune Disease?

Experts and professionals are unsure of the precise origin of immune system malfunctions. However, there are individuals who are more susceptible than others to developing an autoimmune disease. The following are a few variables that could make you more susceptible to getting an autoimmune disease:


Between the ages of 15 and 44, those who had been given the gender of female at birth had a higher risk of developing an autoimmune disease compared to those who were born male. This is because autoimmune conditions are more common in women than in men, but illnesses that are infectious affect them less frequently. The X chromosome, which contains numerous genes connected to the immune system, may be partially responsible for this increased frequency.


Genes that are inherited may increase your risk of developing autoimmune illnesses, while factors in the environment may also play a role. You’re more vulnerable if there is a history of autoimmune disorders in your family because some of them run in families. Additionally, autoimmune illnesses may potentially be more common in people with specific genes. Genes contribute, but they are insufficient in and of themselves to produce an autoimmune illness.

Environmental Factors

An increased risk of autoimmune illness may result from exposure to sunlight, the element mercury, compounds used in farming, tobacco smoke, and some viruses and bacterial infections, among other things. Microbes such as bacteria and viruses have the ability to cause alterations in your immune system that cause it to fight against itself. It may be more likely to occur if you have a hereditary predisposition to immune system disorders.


The nutrition and food you eat can affect the likelihood and seriousness of autoimmune illnesses. Ingredients in food have the power to influence how the immune system functions in an anti- or pro-inflammatory manner, either directly or indirectly. While any dietary shortfall can occur, some of the most frequently associated with nutritional deficiencies with autoimmunity are those involving minerals such as magnesium, zinc, vitamin A, vitamin D, and omega-3 fatty acids.


Certain medications may alter the way your body functions through processes that affect your immune system. Particularly, you should discuss with your medical professional the adverse effects of antibiotics, blood pressure drugs, and statins. Add the list of medications to the ones you will question your healthcare provider about, such as hydrochlorothiazide, antithyroid, sulfasalazine, penicillamine, terbinafine, anticonvulsants, and fluorouracil agents.

Other Health Conditions

You may be more susceptible to developing an autoimmune disease if you have certain medical problems, such as obesity, along with other autoimmune disorders. Even with a good diet and regular physical activity, an obese person’s body’s defenses may nevertheless weaken. Certain research has demonstrated that obesity itself reduces immunity.





Numerous other autoimmune diseases also have a significant negative impact on your health. We’ll look at the most common and rare autoimmune disease examples here that you must be aware of.


When the eye becomes swollen and inflamed, it is called uveitis. The body’s reaction to an infection or health problem is inflammation. The majority of uveitis instances are associated with a breakdown in the immune system (the physical defense against illness and sickness). However, rarely, uveitis can occur without causing swelling or redness in the eye.

An uncommon autoimmune condition known as uveitis results in inflammation or swelling of the optic nerve, the gel-like substance that provides the eye with its shape—the vitreous—and the darker layer of the lens of the eye, known as the uvea. The typical treatments for uveitis include intravenous, anti-inflammatory topical, and corticosteroids taken by mouth. Note that there might be a cause of discomfort and infection in the eyes.


Psoriasis is a chronic skin condition that is caused by an autoimmune disorder. It is marked by red, elevated, swollen, inflammatory patches on the scalp, knees, elbows, and back area that frequently turn into silver-colored scales. That is because the T lymphocytes, a subset of white blood cells, wrongly target the skin cells.

Psoriasis and other dermatological disorders are sometimes misunderstood to just cause cosmetic discomfort. However, during illness flare-ups and episodes, injuries to the skin can become extremely serious, much like in the case of those suffering from burns. Because of their inability to control their body temperature, people with psoriasis are more susceptible to infections that might prove fatal.

Grave’s Disease

Hormonal abnormalities can result from thyroid gland inflammation, which is brought on by a variety of uncommon autoimmune disorders. Antibodies cause the body’s thyroid gland to produce excessive amounts of thyroid hormone, which can cause red skin, shaking hands, and irregular heartbeats. It is what causes Grave’s disease.

Graves’ illness impacts multiple facets of your health. Exophthalmos, or swollen eyes, higher energy levels, heat intolerance, problems sleeping, vomiting and diarrhea, and anxiety are characteristics of the illness.


An autoimmune-related condition called sarcoidosis results in the accumulation of inflammatory cells that affect particular connective tissue in the body, most commonly the skin, lymph nodes, or lungs. Granulomas are the small, grain-like lumps that are the beginning of it. Each of the organs in the body may be impacted by it. 

Although the exact cause of sarcoidosis is unknown, the autoimmune disease’s symptoms, which include skin lumps and dyspnea, can occasionally result in arrhythmia or an abnormal heartbeat when other parts of the body are damaged.


Many times, vitiligo is confused with hyperpigmentation of the complexion of the skin. On the other hand, vitiligo is an autoimmune disease that is chronic (persistent) and results in areas of skin losing their color. The outermost layer of the skin turns a milky-white tone. These are from the attacks of healthy cells causing the destruction of melanocytes, the skin cells that produce colored pigment.

Patchy disappearance of skin pigment, which typically starts on the hands, the face, and around bodily openings, including the genitalia, is one of the early indications of the autoimmune disease. Premature graying or whitening of your eyebrows, beard, eyelashes, or scalp hair, as well as the discoloration of the tissues lining the lining of the nose and mouth.


The hormone release system, the endocrine system, is impacted by Addison’s disease. If the immune response targets the glands that produce adrenaline and seriously harms your adrenal cortex, it may manifest. The hormones cortisol and adrenaline, both of which sustain the body’s and its organs’ ability to produce energy, are insufficient when the adrenal glands are injured.

Many symptoms may result from this, such as discomfort, impairment, low blood pressure (caused by salt loss), and skin discoloration in some places. Acute episodes can also result from low levels of hormones, which raises the risk of coronary artery disease, lung problems, weight gain or obesity, stress, depressive disorders, and other illnesses.

Pernicious Anemia

Pernicious anemia is a type of vitamin B12 deficiency anemia. It occurs when the body lacks enough healthy red blood cells due to an insufficient amount of vitamin B12. This deficiency often results from the stomach’s inability to properly absorb vitamin B12, frequently due to a lack of intrinsic factor—a protein necessary for vitamin B12 absorption. Common symptoms include fatigue, weakness, memory loss, and neurological changes.

Giant Cell Myocarditis

Giant cell myocarditis is a rare and often fatal type of inflammatory heart disease characterized by the presence of multinucleated giant cells (cells with more than one nucleus) in the heart muscle. It is a severe form of myocarditis, leading to rapid deterioration of cardiac function, and can result in heart failure or sudden death.


Vasculitis refers to a group of disorders that involve inflammation of the blood vessels. The inflammation can affect arteries, veins, and capillaries, causing them to narrow, weaken, thicken, or scar. This can reduce blood flow and lead to organ and tissue damage. There are many types of vasculitis, and they may vary significantly in terms of which organs are affected, the severity of the condition, and the symptoms, which might include fever, fatigue, weight loss, and muscle pain.


Treatment Options for Autoimmune Diseases

Normally, the immune system’s mechanism creates antibodies that are intended to fight off a particular infection, bacteria, or other foreign material. However, this is not the case with autoimmune diseases. Although autoimmune illnesses currently have no known remedy, there are numerous therapeutic options that can help alleviate your symptoms (pain, fatigue, weight loss) and regulate your body’s immune system reaction.


Depending on the kind of autoimmune disease you have, how severe it is, and how you are feeling, your healthcare provider may recommend several drugs and other treatments. Physicians might also administer blood transfusions if the condition damages your blood. They might use the following medications to suppress an overreaction of the immune system:

Steroids: Because they reduce your immune system’s hyperactive reaction fast and efficiently, a class of medications known as corticosteroids is frequently used as the initial line of treatment. However, these have the potential to cause major negative effects as they weaken your immune system as a whole.

Anti-inflammatory drugs. These drugs support the health of organs while also assisting in immune system regulation. Anti-TNF drugs, for example, combat the protein known as tumor necrosis factor (TNF), which promotes inflammation. They’re utilized for the treatment of autoimmune arthritis in certain ways.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

What Are The Top Rare Auto Immune Diseases?

How Long Does It Take For An Autoimmune Disease To Show Up?

Who Is Most Affected By Rare Autoimmune Disease?

How Serious Is An Autoimmune Disease?

Are Autoimmune Diseases Life-Threatening?

What Is The Hardest Autoimmune Disease To Diagnose?

What Rare Autoimmune Disease Affects The Joints?

Can You Live A Normal Life With Autoimmune Disease?

How Do You Know If Someone Has Autoimmune Disease?

Why Is It Difficult To Diagnose Autoimmune Diseases?

How Long Can You Live With Autoimmune Disease?

What Is The Root Cause Of Autoimmune Disease?

What Organs Does Autoimmune Disease Affect?

Can You Fully Recover From Autoimmune Disease?

What Happens When Someone Has An Autoimmune Disease?

Can Autoimmune Diseases Be Cured?

The Benefits Of Holistic Approaches For Chronic Illness

The general population and many healthcare providers have misconceptions about the idea of holistic medical care. But it can also be an effective tool for helping individuals of various ages and health conditions live lives that are more enjoyable and joyful. How can people with ongoing medical conditions more effectively cope with their symptoms with the aid of a holistic approach?

It is obvious that creating a home modification plan is a crucial component of care management, but at times, it can be challenging to know where to begin.

There are no one-size-fits-all approaches to managing chronic diseases. Individuals who share a long-term medical condition may have multiple symptoms or be in distinct phases of the disease. Because of this, managing chronic diseases necessitates a highly customized strategy.


Between Management And Cure

A cure in medical treatments consists of a substance that can get rid of a sickness entirely. Reducing signs and symptoms, stopping a medical condition from getting worse, and easing any stress related to a disease are the goals of management.

Therefore, chronic illnesses are incurable, even with significant dietary adjustments, pharmaceuticals, and other forms of care. Holistic therapy, however, may successfully manage chronic conditions and lessen the symptoms associated with them.

In order to treat a person’s health and entire condition—mind, body, and spirit—holistic care addresses both the underlying causes and symptoms associated with illness. The aim is to assist those suffering from chronic illnesses to live healthier, more fulfilling lives by utilizing complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) treatments in addition to established medical methods.

What Is The Holistic Approach?

The holistic approach is not at all what many individuals think it is—it is not a substitute medical practice. Modern medicine is used in an integrated manner and is strongly encouraged to be used. The idea of holistic medicine encourages both patients and doctors to look at all of the complementary and alternative therapies and to consider the big picture when it comes to disease control. A holistic caregiver aims to address physical issues while also fostering psychological and emotional well-being. A comprehensive strategy is required to attain the best possible recovery because every chronic illness process gives rise to a wide range of these additional problems.

A patient’s well-being is impacted by chronic illness in several different ways. As a result of their diseases, many individuals struggle with low self-worth, social exclusion, problems with body image, and even severe depressive disorders. It is imperative that individuals and those providing care should not minimize these problems or dismiss them as incidental to the actual physical course of the illness. Holistic treatment can help bridge the gaps where contemporary medicine and professionals are unable to address many of these psychological needs.

The Centers for Disease Control suggests an approach to chronic disease pain management that blends holistic care and modern medicine. This means seeking the help of medical professionals for rare and common chronic illnesses like heart disease and high blood pressure.  All the while, combining this medical care with holistic health practices like stress relief and herbal supplements. This way, you can reduce pain, target the root causes of many chronic illnesses, address other factors like poor nutrition, and promote overall well-being.

Holistic Strategies Are Available Today

The term “holistic” refers to the mental, emotional, spiritual, and physical facets of human nature. When treating a person’s health holistically, one takes into account not only the part of them that is exhibiting problems but also the individual’s mental and emotional state, spirit, and overall body.

Individuals who suffer from chronic illnesses frequently need to experiment with various methods in order to control the manifestations and prevent their condition from getting worse. You might be able to manage pain, tension, and other issues and enhance your overall quality of life by finding the ideal mix of treatments and medications with holistic therapy.

It should be noted that the integrated method or holistic approach to wellness does not disregard traditional medicine; rather, it is a logical, comprehensive method of intervention. It takes into account your whole health situation and makes use of the most beneficial and suitable therapeutic solutions. It is a method of enhancing each mind-body function and promoting the body’s innate ability to recover. Your health issues, many of which are chronic, will react best to a comprehensive approach.


Let us take a look at some of the most common holistic approaches for chronic illness:


In Chinese medicine, acupuncture is a widespread procedure that involves putting tiny, fine needles into certain body spots. Acupuncture, according to traditional Chinese professionals, balances the flow of Qi, or life force. According to Western practitioners, it’s a means of stimulating muscles and nerves to aid in regeneration and pain alleviation, hence why it can help someone with chronic disease. A growing number of clinicians are starting to understand the possible advantages of acupuncture, especially when it comes to chronic disease management.

Chiropractic Care

Chiropractic is a recognized medical specialty that stresses the body’s capacity for self-healing. The primary goals of a chiropractor are to realign and adjust the neck and spine in a way that reduces discomfort, encourages wellness reconstruction, and enhances general bodily function. It not only helps with neck-related migraines and headaches, but it also helps with balance and posture. These factors are exactly why chiropractic care can help with chronic diseases. There are numerous variations of chiropractic therapy, and chiropractors employ a broad spectrum of methods, approaches, and supplies in their practice. Selecting a trustworthy, knowledgeable practitioner is crucial, as is making sure you are aware of the advantages and disadvantages of the proposed course of care.


The practice of relaxing massage therapy entails massaging, kneading, touching, or similar techniques to promote blood flow, improve elasticity, release stress, and achieve other desired effects. Throughout human history, massage has been a part of most Eastern and Western civilizations and is known as reflexology. It was one of the first methods employed by people to try to cure physical discomfort. It has been shown to be helpful for certain chronic pain syndromes. Apart from easing aching muscles, ligaments, and joints, massage therapy can also aid in reducing anxiety and worry, as these factors have been shown to exacerbate pain.

Mindfulness And Meditation Training

Meditating and practicing mindfulness can help calm the mind and body and reduce stress, which helps improve pain by reducing tension in the muscles. There are numerous approaches to mindfulness training and meditative practices, including gradual relaxation, breathing exercises, and guided imagery. Other kinds of strategies included are mindful appreciation, mindful awareness, mindful observation, and mindful listening, which are also available for you to explore.

Vitamin Or Herbal Supplements 

For chronic pain treatment, there is a vast selection of vitamins, herbal products, and plant-based supplements to try. Certain supplements may occasionally promote general health, which may lessen discomfort. Supplements may offer more immediate relief in certain cases by lowering inflammation or enhancing joint health. Some common vitamin supplements are vitamins C and D for healthy bones and vitamin B complexes, which are supposed to assist cognitive health. In herbal remedies, aloe vera and turmeric are two examples.


Perhaps the most crucial thing you can do to enhance your overall well-being and, frequently, even cope with chronic pain is to exercise. There is almost certainly some kind of physical activity that you can do, regardless of the level of discomfort you are in, even if it’s simply small hand or ankle squeezes or motions. If your mobility is restricted, think about finding simple workouts you can perform while sitting or lying down. Always remember to take it gently and start small. Exercises, including Tai Chi, yoga, walking, swimming, Pilates, and strength training, are beneficial for people with chronic pain. To find out what is best for you, both for chronic disease prevention or management, consult your physician or a personal trainer.

Nutrition Counseling

To prevent cardiovascular disease from growing worse, it’s critical to establish heart-healthy dietary habits with nutrition counseling. In the process, a registered dietitian (RD) or registered dietitian nutritionist (RDN) provides individualized, one-on-one nutritional supervision and recommendations. Finding both advantages and disadvantages in a person’s diet is the aim of nutrition counseling, and clients should anticipate receiving information and assistance to help them make and keep the required dietary adjustments. After talking to you about your lifestyle, the expert will get to work creating a nutrition plan that works for you. Your follow-up consultation will be scheduled by the dietician at the conclusion of the session.



Why Is It Important To Consult A Doctor?

If you would like to initiate or discontinue treatment, speak with a board-certified physician or healthcare professional. It is imperative that you consult with your doctor before making any changes to your eating habits or fitness regimen, even if it is simply as easy as thinking about taking an ordinary herbal supplement.

Certain medical interventions have the potential to exacerbate chronic illness warning signs or conflict with prescribed medications. You can learn more about what to watch out for and what might not be right for you personally from your healthcare provider. In addition, they can offer you advice on the consequences of stopping a certain treatment.

Doctors who practice holistic healthcare must also thoroughly comprehend the state of your wellness from all angles, so keeping them informed about new treatments or supplements enables them to provide you with better care.

There Is No One-Size-Fits-All

It’s critical to keep in mind that there is no one-size-fits-all method of managing chronic pain, regardless of the therapy treatment you select. Alternative therapies may be an excellent place to start, given that they are less intrusive and have fewer dangers. Be open-minded and discuss the various possibilities you have with your healthcare provider.

You must realize how critical it is to get medical help as soon as you notice any of the distinctive symptoms and signs of a chronic illness. To make much better use of the holistic process, it would be ideal if you took a holistic perspective, reviewed, researched, and educated yourself on the advantages and disadvantages beforehand.


Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

How Does Chronic Illness Affect The Quality Of Life?

How Does Chronic Illness Affect You Emotionally?

How Can A Person Be Empowered To Live With A Chronic Condition?

What Is The Most Effective Way Of Dealing With Disease?

How Does Chronic Illness Affect The Health And Well-Being Of Family Members?

How Can Lifestyle Changes Affect Chronic Disease Management?

How Does Chronic Illness Impact Social Interaction?

How Does Chronic Illness Affect Self-Esteem?

How Does Chronic Illness Affect You Socially?

How Do You Manage Chronic Illness?

Can Chronic Illness Go Away?

How Can Chronic Illness Be Effectively Managed?

How Does Chronic Illness Affect Stress?

How Does Chronic Illness Affect Identity?

How Does Chronic Illness Affect Development?

The Chronic Illness Chronicles: How Therapy Can Change An Individual’s Life

Chronic illness can be an incredibly isolating and challenging experience. The physical, emotional, and mental toll it takes on a person can be devastating. However, for those who suffer from chronic illness, there is hope. Therapy has been a lifesaver for many individuals, providing them with the support and tools they need to manage their illness and improve their quality of life.

The Physical Toll of Chronic Illness

Chronic illness takes a physical toll on the body, causing fatigue, pain, and limited mobility. These physical symptoms can make even the simplest tasks feel impossible, leading to a decreased quality of life. The constant discomfort and frustration can also lead to depression and anxiety.

The Emotional Toll of Chronic Illness

In addition to the physical symptoms, chronic illness can also take an emotional toll. The constant stress and uncertainty can lead to feelings of anger, frustration, and hopelessness. It can also be isolating, as many friends and family members may not understand the day-to-day struggles of living with a chronic illness.

The Spiritual Toll of Chronic Illness

Living with a chronic illness can take a significant toll on one’s spiritual well-being. The constant physical and emotional struggles can make it difficult to maintain a positive outlook on life and can leave individuals feeling hopeless and disconnected from their sense of purpose. The following are some of the ways in which chronic illness can affect one’s spiritual health.

How Therapy Can Help

Fortunately, therapy can provide individuals with chronic illness with the support and tools they need to manage their illness and improve their quality of life. Through therapy, individuals can learn coping skills and strategies for managing their physical and emotional symptoms. They can also work through any negative emotions and develop a support system to help them through their journey.

The Benefits of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT)

Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) is a type of therapy that has been shown to be particularly effective for individuals with chronic illness. CBT focuses on the connection between thoughts, feelings, and behaviors, and helps individuals identify and challenge negative thought patterns. This can help individuals with chronic illness manage their symptoms and improve their overall quality of life.

In CBT, individuals work with a therapist to identify and challenge negative thought patterns that may be contributing to their physical and emotional symptoms. For example, if an individual with chronic illness is struggling with fatigue, their therapist may help them identify and challenge negative thoughts about their abilities, such as “I can never do anything right” or “I am weak.” This can help individuals with chronic illness improve their self-esteem and decrease their physical and emotional symptoms.

The Benefits of Mindfulness-Based Therapy

Mindfulness-based therapy is another type of therapy that can be beneficial for individuals with chronic illness. Mindfulness-based therapy teaches individuals to focus on the present moment and pay attention to their thoughts and emotions without judgment. This can help individuals with chronic illness manage their symptoms and reduce their stress and anxiety.

In mindfulness-based therapy, individuals work with a therapist to learn mindfulness techniques, such as meditation and deep breathing. These techniques can help individuals with chronic illness focus on the present moment and reduce their stress and anxiety. They can also help individuals improve their overall quality of life by reducing physical symptoms, such as pain and fatigue.

The Benefits of Group Therapy

Group therapy can also be an incredibly helpful resource for individuals with chronic illness. Group therapy provides individuals with a supportive and understanding community where they can share their experiences and feelings with others who are going through similar experiences. This can help individuals with chronic illness feel less isolated and provide them with a sense of community and belonging.

In group therapy, individuals with chronic illness meet with a therapist and a group of others with chronic illness to discuss their experiences and feelings. This can provide individuals with chronic illness with a supportive community where they can receive and provide support and encouragement. Group therapy can also provide individuals with chronic illness with practical coping skills and strategies for managing their symptoms.


Chronic illness can be a difficult and isolating experience, but therapy can provide individuals with the support and tools they need to manage their illness and improve their quality of life. Whether through individual therapy, such as CBT or mindfulness-based therapy, or group therapy, individuals with chronic illness can benefit from the opportunity to work through their thoughts and emotions and develop a support system.

If you or someone you know is struggling with chronic illness, consider seeking the help of a mental health professional. With the right support, individuals with chronic illness can lead fulfilling and meaningful lives, despite their physical and emotional challenges.

Remember, you are not alone. And with the help of therapy, you can overcome chronic illness chronicles and find joy and hope for your mental health in style.

The Therapist’s Toolbox: Navigating Chronic Illness with a Little Help from the Pros

Chronic illness can be a challenging and isolating experience, but it doesn’t have to be. With the help of a skilled therapist, individuals with chronic illness can learn to manage their symptoms and lead fulfilling lives. In this blog, we’ll explore the tools and techniques that therapists use to support their clients with chronic illness.

Section 1: Understanding Chronic Illness

What is Chronic Illness?

Chronic illness is a condition that lasts for a long time or even a lifetime. It is different from acute illnesses that are short-term and have a clear endpoint, such as the flu or a broken bone. Chronic illnesses can include conditions like diabetes, heart disease, arthritis, and many others.

What are the different types of chronic illness?

There are many different types of chronic illnesses, but some of the most common include:

  1. Cardiovascular Diseases: These are illnesses that affect the heart and blood vessels, such as coronary artery disease, heart failure, and stroke.
  2. Respiratory Diseases: These are illnesses that affect the respiratory system, such as chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) and asthma.
  3. Neurological Diseases: These are illnesses that affect the nervous system, such as Parkinson’s disease, multiple sclerosis, and Alzheimer’s disease.
  4. Musculoskeletal Diseases: These are illnesses that affect the bones, joints, and muscles, such as osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, and fibromyalgia.
  5. Endocrine Diseases: These are illnesses that affect the hormones, such as diabetes and thyroid disorders.
  6. Gastrointestinal Diseases: These are illnesses that affect the digestive system, such as Crohn’s disease, ulcerative colitis, and irritable bowel syndrome.
  7. Skin Diseases: These are illnesses that affect the skin, such as psoriasis, eczema, and lupus.
  8. Cancer: Cancer is a chronic illness that occurs when abnormal cells divide and grow uncontrollably, invading and destroying normal cells and tissues.

These are just some of the many types of chronic illnesses. Each chronic illness is unique and can impact an individual’s life in different ways. It’s important to work with healthcare professionals to accurately diagnose and manage chronic illnesses, as they can significantly affect quality of life.

The Emotional Impact of Chronic Illness

Living with a chronic illness can be overwhelming and can have a significant impact on one’s emotional well-being. People with chronic illness often experience feelings of anxiety, depression, and stress. The uncertainty of living with an unpredictable illness and the physical limitations it brings can lead to feelings of frustration, anger, and a loss of independence.

Section 2: The Therapist’s Toolbox

  • Mindfulness and Meditation

Mindfulness and meditation are practices that help individuals focus their attention on the present moment and develop greater awareness of their thoughts, feelings, and physical sensations. These practices can be incredibly helpful for individuals with chronic illness as they can help manage symptoms like pain and anxiety and provide a sense of calm and relaxation.

  • Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT)

ACT is a type of therapy that emphasizes acceptance and mindfulness, helping individuals with chronic illness to live their lives fully and engage in activities that align with their values, despite their physical limitations. ACT can help individuals with chronic illness develop greater resilience and a sense of purpose, which can lead to greater overall well-being.

Section 3: The Benefits of Therapy for Chronic Illness

  • Improved Mental Health

Therapy can help individuals with chronic illness better manage the emotional impact of their illness, leading to improved mental health in style. With the support of a therapist, individuals with chronic illness can learn to manage feelings of anxiety, depression, and stress and develop a more positive outlook on their lives.

  • Coping Strategies

Therapists can help individuals with chronic illness develop coping strategies to manage their symptoms, such as pain, fatigue, and anxiety. These coping strategies can help individuals with chronic illness lead more fulfilling and independent lives.

  • A Sense of Community

Going to therapy can provide individuals with chronic illness with a sense of community and a safe space to talk about their experiences. This can be particularly helpful for individuals with chronic illness who may feel isolated and alone in their experiences. Talking with a therapist can provide a sense of validation and understanding and help individuals with chronic illness feel less alone in their journey.


Living with chronic illness can be a challenging and isolating experience, but it doesn’t have to be. With the help of a skilled therapist, individuals with chronic illness can learn to manage their symptoms, develop coping strategies, and lead fulfilling lives. Whether it’s through CBT, mindfulness and meditation, or ACT, therapy provides a valuable toolbox of techniques and approaches to help individuals with chronic illness navigate their illness and improve their overall well-being.

So, if you or someone you know is struggling with a chronic illness, consider reaching out to a therapist. With their support and expertise, you can develop a greater sense of control over your illness, improve your mental health, and lead a more fulfilling life. Don’t be afraid to ask for help and take the first step towards a better future.

Remember, chronic illness is a journey, and it’s okay to have good days and bad days. But with the help of a therapist, you can develop the skills and tools to navigate the ups and downs and find a new sense of purpose and meaning. So, don’t be afraid to reach out and take that first step towards a better tomorrow.

Understanding Autoimmune Disease: Everything To Know

Autoimmune disease occurs when the body’s immune system attacks and destroys healthy body tissue by mistake. The exact cause of an autoimmune disease and its risk factors is unknown.

Understanding Autoimmune Diseases

An autoimmune disease can cause certain possible complications that damage the immune system and causes immunological illnesses and other conditions such as rheumatoid arthritis, inflammatory bowel syndrome, thyroid gland hormone imbalance, multiple sclerosis, systemic lupus erythematosus, etc.

One autoimmune disease diagnosed in a person can also trigger severe reactions in skin cells or other conditions. Common symptoms include musculoskeletal and skin conditions or skin rashes such as psoriatic arthritis and joint pain, abdominal pain, skin problems, celiac sickness, muscle aches, muscle weakness, as well as brain and spinal cord.

The deficiency incomprehension of the function of distinct cells in a specific autoimmune disease prevents the development of definitive therapy and main treatment for its immunity conditions.  For example, rheumatoid arthritis is a common autoimmune disease that causes the body to attack itself, specifically in the joints. The symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis typically include joint pain and difficulty moving, along with the degradation of soft tissues.

Type 1 diabetes, lupus, and multiple sclerosis are other examples of common autoimmune diseases. As health topics, the symptoms of autoimmune diseases like these are widely discussed and researched globally.

Though the conventional treatment consists of immune suppressants such as steroids, agents, and inhibitors, which defeat the majority of immune cells.

The patient has a higher risk of contracting other conditions and cancer as a side effect of having an autoimmune disease.

Autoimmune disease cells

Autoimmune Disease Treatment Research

For decades, the environmental health sciences research regarding autoimmune disease has been at a standstill, the same as cancer research. There is generally no cure, but clinical trials show that the similar symptoms of an autoimmune disease can be managed.

Therapies and treatments have no way of pinpointing cancer cells. Consequently, these autoimmune disease treatments target most dividing cells, according to the National Institute researchers. These result in substantial risks as side effects of such therapies.

However, at the University of Pennsylvania, the current research from the Perelman School of Medicine has identified an approach to target a particular subset of antibody-producing cells in a condition named Pemphigus Vulgaris without inhibiting healthy nerve cells of the immune system.

The research may become a doorway to aiming for various immunological disorders and health conditions. has articles on how to help patients deal with their emotional problems brought about by chronic medical illnesses such as autoimmune disorders.

The Trial: Chimeric Autoantibody Receptor Therapy (CAART) For Autoimmune Treatment

autoimmune disease process

The researchers, Payne and Michael Milone, modeled their approach from an anti-cancer treatment.

It is called Chimeric Antigen Receptor Therapy (CAR). In CAR, the T-cells are designed to destroy cancerous cells in several illnesses, such as leukemia and lymphoma. It has succeeded in human trials, albeit with some illnesses’ side effects.

Team Payne has created Chimeric Autoantibody Receptor Therapy (CAART) from the concept of CAR. In their blood tests, they devised an artificial CAR-type receptor modeled from a mouse, which acts as a lure to designated B cells that produce anti-DSg3 antibodies.

It attracts these antibodies and then kills them through engineered receptors without harming other immunological cells in the blood vessels.

As shown in the lack of common symptoms of an autoimmune disease such as blistering or autoimmunity signs in the animals, they were successful in automatically killing DSg3.

Estimation: Early Research On The Possible Treatment Progress

The autoimmune disease team’s researchers are confident that CAART will not cause the same painful autoimmune condition called Cytokine Release Syndrome in CAR T-cell therapy. The reason is that CAART will be specifically aiming at a subset of B immunological foreign cells and is not killing all of the B immunological cells.

The researchers say it would eliminate one percent of the patient’s total B autoimmune cells estimation. That one percent would be the significant autoimmune insulin-producing cells causing symptoms of the immunological disorder. In theory, it would create little to no considerable indications during the immunological disorder treatment.

A beagle dog looking at the camera being examined by her doctor in a veterinary clinic. The team will still do trials to cure dogs with the ailment due to their conditions before advancing to human tests even if they feel that they have enough proof of concept combined with the CAR ailment therapy results in cancer ailment patients. They say that it may lengthen the trials studies to a certain extent, but it will prove to be a safer treatment in the long run.

Curing Dogs With Autoimmune Disease

The team will still do clinical trials to cure dogs with the condition due to autoimmunity before advancing to human tests even if they feel that they have enough proof of concept combined with the CAR therapy results in cancer ailment patients.

They say that it may lengthen the autoimmune disease trial studies to a certain extent, but it will prove to be a safer treatment in the long run.

An Optimistic Future

Their discovery from treating Pemphigus Vulgaris with their new autoimmune disease treatment is possible to become a treatment model for several auto-antibody controlled diseases, even arthritis.

Common Autoimmune Conditions

  • Myasthenia gravis
  • Graves
  • Hashimoto’s thyroiditis
  • Multiple sclerosis
  • Pernicious anemia
  • Addison

Autoimmune Disease Insights And Conclusion

The team is optimistic about the future of immunological disorder treatment and therapy due to the results they gained. It is perhaps a small step towards the advancement of personalized medicine (developing a practice using genotyping based on an individual’s autoimmune conditions) and not the type of general treatment approach.

Autoimmune Disease FAQs

What Foods Should Patients Avoid?

What Triggers Autoimmune Disorders?

What Are Some Examples Of Immunological Conditions?

What Vitamins Can Help Immunological Conditions?


What are the main types of autoimmune diseases?

What are the most common autoimmune diseases?

Do autoimmune illnesses go away?

Can autoimmune diseases be cured?

Are autoimmune disorders serious?

What foods can heal an autoimmune disease?

What foods can trigger autoimmune disease symptoms?

How do you heal an autoimmune disease?

What vitamins are good for your immune system?

What are the best drinks for your immune system?

How can I heal my autoimmune disease naturally?

Understanding Juvenile Arthritis

What Is Arthritis?

Juvenile arthritis. Is there arthritis in juveniles? What’s the aggressive treatment for juvenile arthritis? Growing pains cause a child to feel joint aches. However, they may be early signs of severe inflammatory rheumatic diseases called pediatric arthritis or arthritis in juveniles.

Moreover, juvenile arthritis affects children and adolescents and can take various forms, including Polyarticular Juvenile Idiopathic Arthritis (JIA) and Systemic JIA. These conditions involve inflammation in the joints, which can lead to pain and stiffness. Some forms of juvenile arthritis may also affect internal organs and involve skin disease.  While rheumatoid factor is often used to diagnose adult arthritis, it is less reliable for diagnosing juvenile arthritis. The Arthritis Foundation provides resources and support for families dealing with both arthritis and various treatments that can help relieve pain in the joints involved.

Arthritis in juveniles is an autoimmune disease. The body’s healthy cells attack most children younger than you can imagine. They may encounter this condition in their teenage years or possibly younger.

What is involved in this auto-immune condition? How does the condition affects the immune system and cause chronic arthritis?

Juvenile Idiopathic Arthritis

Arthritis involving chronic or long-term joint inflammation and persistent joint pain falls under systemic types of juvenile idiopathic arthritis (JIA) or juvenile arthritis. This inflammation begins before patients reach the age of 16. For juvenile idiopathic arthritis to be considered chronic, joint symptoms must be present for more than six weeks. Juvenile idiopathic arthritis can cause other symptoms like fevers or pink rash on the skin, and it can also cause eye inflammation.

This disease has many types. It needs to be treated by a pediatric rheumatologist. A natural growth process called growing pains causes juvenile children to feel joint aches.

It Causes Growth Problems And Needs Immediate Medical Attention.

It happens when the immune system assaults the tissue lining inside the stiff joints called synovium, which causes joint pain, joint stiffness, and joint inflammation or swelling. In some cases, children would only have one or two flare-ups, while others will have symptoms for a lifetime.

Juvenile arthritis is a group of diseases that affects children with JIA. Polyarticular JIA affects multiple joints, while oligoarticular JIA affects fewer joints. Symptoms of juvenile arthritis can vary, but regular exercise can help alleviate pain and stiffness. Many children with JIA may also have a skin condition in addition to joint inflammation.

Doctor’s Diagnosis Of Juvenile Arthritis Disease

Unlike adult rheumatoid arthritis, Juvenile idiopathic arthritis is complex, making diagnosis difficult. Doctors may order various lab tests, including a physical exam, blood tests, x-rays, and urine tests, which can help determine conditions that may cause natural arthritis. Early diagnosis, medication, and treatment can reduce inflammation, reduce pain, and joint damage and help maintain body movement. It can also prevent any cases of severe complications or replacement of affected joints.

In juvenile arthritis, the body attacks its healthy cells, affecting the joints. While it can have similar symptoms to the adult form of arthritis, it may also affect children in different ways. A family history of autoimmune diseases can increase the risk of developing different types of juvenile arthritis, and some severe forms of the condition may require a blood test for diagnosis. Juvenile arthritis can be a lifelong disease, but early detection and proper treatment can help manage symptoms and improve quality of life.

Five Types And Different Prognosis of Arthritis

Enthesitis-Related Arthritis Disease

  • It is a type of JA that affects the eyes, entheses, hips, spine, and places where tendons are attached to the bones. It occurs mostly in boys eight years and older with a family medical history of ankylosing spondylitis among their male relatives.

Systemic Disease

  • It is also known as Still’s disease, and it affects numerous body systems such as the heart, liver, lymph nodes, and spleen, aside from joint problems. This type of arthritis exact causes a high fever and rashes on the arms, legs, and trunk.

Polyarticular Juvenile Idiopathic Arthritis (PJIA) Disease

  • This type of arthritis affects five or more joints during the first half-year of the disease, which is usually the jaw, neck, hands, and feet. It often occurs in the left and right joints of the body symmetrically. It is more common for girls to develop this disorder than boys.

Oligoarthritis Disease

  • This disorder is also known as periarticular juvenile rheumatoid arthritis. It affects the ankle, knee, and wrist. Additionally, this type of arthritis may cause issues to the iris of the eye known as iridocyclitis, iritis, or uveitis. Girls are more prone to developing this disorder but will outgrow the disease in adulthood.

Psoriatic Arthritis Disease

  • It affects children who are suffering from both psoriasis and arthritis. The symptoms usually start with either psoriasis or arthritis in juveniles before developing the others years later.
Therapist talk to a juvenile girl with arthritis. Medication is essential in treating arthritis in children until arthritis maintains an inactive status.

Juvenile Arthritis

Treatment And Medication For Children Who Have This Particular Disease

Children who have arthritis need treatment from pediatric rheumatologists who undergo specialized training to mitigate the disease.

Medication is one of the essential parts of treating arthritis in children, which may take several years until arthritis maintains an inactive status. The treatments for this arthritis disease aim to reduce joint swelling and relieve symptoms of pain, retaining the ability to do daily functions. The treatment will help the child’s quality of life.

But to treat adults’ conditions, the common form of treatment goal is to control symptoms, prevent joint damage, and maintain function.

When only a few joints are involved, a steroid can be injected into the joint before any additional nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs are given.

Steroids injected into the joint do not have significant side effects. Oral steroids such as prednisone (Deltasone, Orasone, Prelone, Orapred) may be used in certain situations, but only for a short time and at the lowest dose possible. The long-term use of steroids is associated with side effects such as weight gain, poor growth, osteoporosis, cataracts, avascular necrosis, hypertension, and risk of infection.

Create Awareness For This Disease

The therapy involves treating, identifying, and preventing complications that a juvenile’s arthritis may bring, such as soft tissue damage and other joint-related problems. Parents should also be aware of their child’s arthritis and their well-being.

If parents are unsure about their symptoms, getting help to develop juvenile arthritis awareness is better.

You can try and visit for more information you might need.

Frequently Asked Questions

What Can Trigger Juvenile Arthritis?

Juvenile arthritis can be triggered by various diseases, conditions, or disease-modifying factors.

Does Juvenile Arthritis Go Away?

Juvenile arthritis, the common type of rheumatic disease in children, may not always go away and can involve symptoms like eye inflammation and swollen lymph nodes.

How Do I Know If I Have Juvenile Arthritis?

Common signs of juvenile idiopathic arthritis include joint pain and swelling, and if you suspect it, consult a health professional for diagnosis.

Which Of The Signs Of Juvenile Rheumatoid Arthritis Is The Earliest?

Is JRA Serious?

At What Age Does Juvenile Arthritis Start?

How Serious Is Juvenile Arthritis?

Is JRA Hereditary?

Is Juvenile Arthritis Painful?

Does Juvenile Arthritis Show Up On An X-ray?


Counselor’s Heartache After Helping A Friend With Lupus

I was already a licensed psychologist and counselor when my childhood friend reconnected with me. We lost our communication when she moved to California to pursue her dream of becoming an actress. When we were already in our mid-20s, she finally landed a significant role in a movie and started getting a lot of recognition. However, that was also the same time when she got diagnosed with lupus.

When my friend called me, she was seeking psychology and counseling. She said that she did not want to go to any mental health facility in LA for fear of the paparazzi hounding her. Everyone knew about her lupus, but no one knew that she was struggling to accept that diagnosis. So, of course, I agreed to be her counselor.


Counseling A Friend

I would say that this was a unique type of counselor-client relationship, considering I had a personal connection with the person seeking counseling. Instead of asking my friend to go to my clinic, I would go to her house and conduct counseling there. My friend had a hard time dealing with the fact her face was often swelling up as it was a symptom of her autoimmune disease. There were also days when she could not get up due to body pains. However, I noticed how her mood improved since I started counseling her.

Unfortunately, the improvement only lasted for a couple of months because my friend eventually got the news that her autoimmune illness aggravated. Worse, it caused renal failure. Assuming you don’t know what that was, it entailed that her kidneys were deteriorating.

Kidneys were important for filtering all the impurities in the system. Only 10% of her kidneys were functioning in my friend’s case, so most contaminants that go into her body stay there, slowly poisoning her.


My friend called me on the eve of that new diagnosis, crying. She said, “I don’t know what to do anymore; I don’t want to live anymore. I get needles stuck in my arms every single day, and I am not getting better. Then, she made a request. “Can you stay at my house for a little while until I figure out what I can do with my life?”

I thought long and hard about it, considering that was not allowed in a normal circumstance. But since we had a long history, I said yes, and we started having an informal form of counseling every day. We would go to work during the day, and then we would have a long talk after dinner. It mainly was her crying and talking about how challenging it was to hide her pain at studios and in front of fans and staff members. Then, I would advise her to stay strong because it was not the end of the road.

Finding Light

On my friend’s next doctor’s appointment, the doctor said that her kidneys could no longer be salvaged. But if she could find a kidney donor, her chances of living longer would go up exponentially.


Organ transplants are that your net worth does not always indicate how fast you can get someone to donate an organ to you. My friend could spend millions of dollars in an instant, but the doctor still placed her on the waiting list along with hundreds of thousands of regular people who needed Kidneys. The only shortcut that the doctor could suggest was having a relative or friend donate their kidney to her.

For an entire month, my friend went through all her family members to see if they could match. Unfortunately, none of them were. She felt like giving up again until I said, “Well, we haven’t tried me yet.” I was willing to give up a portion of my kidney to save my friend. We turned out to be a match, so the operation proceeded. And succeeded.

Being Pushed Away

My friend and her family told me how grateful they were for my sacrifice. They also said that they would be eternally indebted to me. Of course, they handled my hospital bills and future checkups and even got a nurse to check on me once I moved back home to recuperate.


However, I experienced my first heartache since helping my friend when I watched one of her interviews post-operation. A reporter asked about her transplant experience, and she merely referred to me as the organ donor. Although it was on point, it also felt cold because I was her friend before becoming her donor.

When I contacted my friend a month later to ask her to hang out with me, her assistant called me back, saying she won’t have time until next year. That was another slap in the face. It made me realize that people could genuinely change once they got what they wanted from you.

Final Thoughts

Since I lost communication with my friend, I worked through my upsetting emotions towards her on my own. I chose to forgive her instead of holding a grudge against her. I did it for myself because I wanted to move on and get on with my life.

If my friend would call me one day and ask for my forgiveness, that would be up to her. If she didn’t, it was okay, too. It’s not my ass that karma would bite anyway.

Frequently Asked Questions About Treatments For Mental Disorders

Being the eldest child in the family was supposed to come with a lot of perks. For instance, the eldest kids often received brand-new clothes, regardless of their moms and dads did not have a lot of money to spare. They could also call dibs on almost everything, from the biggest room in the house after the master’s bedroom to what kind of activities they should play to get which household chore every week.

In truth, I basked in these perks for as long as I could remember. My parents decided to have another child when I was already seven years old, so everyone doted on me for years, including my grandparents, aunts, uncles, and even neighbors. They went as far as saying that family and friends often sent multiple gifts for me on my first few birthdays and Christmases, to the extent that my mom and dad did not need to spend on new clothes for at least half a year. 

When my sisters (yes, plural, because they were twins) came to the world, the adoration that I got from everyone did not wane. They all said that I would always be their baby, even if there were new actual babies at home. True to their words, the number of gifts I received annually did not decrease until my high school graduation. I was spoiled to death, and I loved every second of it.


The Stain In Our Picture-Perfect Family

I got to study banking and finance in college and moved to New York City with hopes and dreams of becoming an investment banker or stockbroker. I knew it sounded crazy for many people, especially since there were not plenty of women working in Wall Street at the time, but I pushed through the social limits anyway. I gained an internship and eventually a permanent position in a well-known bank in a span of seven years. It might seem long, but a win would always be a win.

When I thought everything was going well, I returned to my apartment to hear a piece of sad news from my mother via voicemail: one of my sisters, Jenna, attempted suicide.

If I was the family favorite by default, Jenna was the ultimate crowd-pleaser since day one. She had a smile for everyone; she could talk to you as if you had been BFFs forever. Little did we know, Jenna hid an illicit affair with a manager at the hotel she worked at, and he tried to end their relationship. That pushed her to commit a suicide attempt.

I filed an indefinite leave at work and flew back home on the same night to be with my family. Nobody could pick me up because they were all at the hospital, so that’s where I headed after dropping my carry-on bag in the house. I arrived at Jenna’s room just in time for a doctor to come with the resident psychiatrist. It turned out that my sister had been battling depression and anxiety for some time, but we somehow missed the signs. 

While everyone felt guilty about it, my mother took the news the hardest. She lost her appetite; she could not sleep, afraid that Jenna would sneak out of her hospital bed and attempt suicide again. No matter how much we coaxed her to go home, Mom refused vehemently. Her lack of appetite and sleep went on even when Jenna got discharged from the hospital, so we decided to bring Mom to the psychiatrist. Several consultations later, the psychiatrist confirmed that my mother developed phobia and depression following Jenna’s.

In less than a month, our family of five had two mentally troubled members, and it was up to me – the eldest child – to figure out how to help them. Luckily, the psychiatrist was there to help me understand their mental disorders and the possible treatments.

What types of treatments are available for psychological disorders? 

 There are two primary treatments for psychological disorders, namely biomedical therapy and psychotherapy. 

Psychotherapy mostly involves talking to the patient and recognizing the problem and the possible solutions for it. Meanwhile, biomedical therapy uses pills to treat patients whose symptoms are too advanced or too severe to be fixed by talk therapy.


What are the major psychological disorders? 

  • Anxiety disorders (e.g., social and general anxiety, PTSD, OCD, phobia, and panic disorder) 
  • Eating disorders (e.g., avoidant disorder, anorexia nervosa, binge-eating disorder, bulimia nervosa, pica, and rumination disorder) 
  • Mood disorders (e.g., bipolar disorder, depression, and dysthymia)
  • Personality disorders (e.g., antisocial, borderline, avoidant, histrionic, dependent, obsessive-compulsive, schizoid, schizotypal, narcissistic, and paranoid)
  • Psychotic disorders (e.g., schizophrenia, schizoaffective, schizophreniform, delusional, and brief, substance-induced, and shared psychosis)
  • Substance abuse disorders (e.g., substance-induced anxiety, dementia, delirium, psychosis, depression, sexual dysfunction, and amnestic, perceptual, and sleep disorders)
  • Trauma-related disorders (e.g., AD, ASD, DSED, PTSD, RAD, and other unspecified disorders)

What are the five most common mental disorders? 

  • Anxiety Disorders: Various forms of anxiety disorders have been diagnosed in more than 40 million adults in America. When you have this condition, you experience irrational fear towards an object, situation, or person.
  • Mood Disorders: This is the second most common category of mental disorders, considering it covers depression, dysthymia, and bipolar disorder. Based on research, at least one person out of ten individuals experiences hopelessness, excessive guilt, fatigue, and other mood disorders.
  • Eating Disorders: People who deal with eating disorders tend to have an unhealthy relationship with food and their body. This is typically the result of their need to meet others’ standards of beauty.
  • Psychotic Disorders: Psychosis causes folks to have a twisted sense of reality. Experts claim that the illnesses related to it are caused by substance abuse, trauma, excessive stress, or abnormal brain function.
  • Dementia: It surprises many individuals when they see dementia under a category of its own, but it’s not a typographical error. The truth is that it is the umbrella term for the neurological disorders that cause cognitive declines, such as Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, Huntington’s, Wernicke-Korsakoff syndrome, and frontotemporal dementia.

What are the three main approaches to treating psychological disorders? 

  • Cognitive-Behavioral Approach: Cognitive-behavioral therapy is a practical way of helping an individual solve their issues. The therapist may help them recognize their thoughts and behaviors and figure out how to change them for the better.
  • Psychodynamic Approach: Instead of assessing the patient’s behavior, psychodynamic therapists focus on unconscious mental processes. They believe that people feel mentally troubled because they fail to understand the root of their problems.
  • Family/Couple Therapy: It is similar to group counseling in which it is the patient who attends therapy and their significant other and other family members. This approach is recommended for people whose relationship with loved ones has been damaged by their psychological disorder.

What is the most formidable mental illness to treat? 

 Mental health professionals find borderline personality disorder as the most challenging psychological illness to treat. The reason is that it involves complicated behavioral and thinking patterns that specialists are yet to understand.

What are the five signs of mental illness? 

  • Excessive worrying 
  • Excessive sadness 
  • Extreme mood swings
  • Social withdrawal
  • Changing eating or sleeping pattern

Is overreacting a mental illness? 

 No, overreacting is not a mental illness. However, it is a common symptom of bipolar or anxiety disorder.

How do I know if I am mentally ill? 

 The best way to know if you are mentally ill is by going to a psychologist or psychiatrist who knows the signs of mental disorders and correctly diagnoses them. You cannot go straight to a therapist who does not double as a psychologist or psychiatrist because they do not have the required education and training to perform a mental diagnosis.

How does a mentally ill person feel? 

 The answer depends on the type of mental disorder that a person deals with.

For instance, if you have depression, you may feel sad all the time; it’s as if the world has turned gray, and you see no way out of your guilt or sense of hopelessness. In case you have social anxiety, you may be afraid of leaving the house, knowing that passing through a crowd or eating at a restaurant may be inevitable.

However, the same cannot be said for individuals with dementia or psychotic disorders. They may not notice a change in their mental processes, so they may continue to feel happy about situations that regular people find odd.

How do you love someone with mental illness? 

 The first thing you must do is learn about your loved one’s mental illness. What has caused it? What triggers its symptoms? Can therapy or drugs treat it?

Once you have your answers, you need to determine how you should react when your loved one’s symptoms flare up. The key here is to ensure that they – and you – are safe all the time. For instance, if they are suicidal, you need to hide all the pills, knives, or ropes used to do the deed. It may sound too drastic for others, but it’s always better to be safe than sorry.

In case your loved one’s actions are draining you, know that no one will judge you if you take a step back and put another person in charge of caring for them for at least a few days. When you love someone, it does not mean that you need to sacrifice your mental health in style for them.


Does tough love work with mental illness? 

 No, tough love does not work with any mental illness. This disciplinary action only works for individuals who can understand why you are doing what you are doing. If they deal with psychological disorders, they may fight back or fear or hate you. In that case, instead of helping the person get better, you may push them further down the deep end.

What is poor mental health? 

 Poor mental health refers to our inability to feel, think, or behave positively due to stressors.

How do you deal with a violent, mentally ill person? 

 One practical way to deal with a violent, mentally ill person is by showing them your calmness. After all, matching their aggression or showing fear gives them a clue that they have power over you.

If it doesn’t work, you can leave the room. There is no need to remain physically close to a violent individual since they will not listen to reason immediately. You may wait until they calm down on their own before you face them again.

If things continue to escalate, you may call 911 or any institution to help you out. Doing so will be good not only for you but also for your loved one.

What are the early warning signs of psychosis? 

  • Unable to concentrate
  • Irrational suspiciousness towards others
  • Social withdrawal
  • Odd ideas or feelings
  • Poor communication skills

What triggers psychosis? 

  • Intense stress
  • Substance abuse
  • Neurological conditions

Final Thoughts

Being the eldest child in the family suddenly became not as exciting as before due to the mental disorders that plagued my loved ones. After all, while making sure that Mom and Jenna could get the best treatments, I had to support Dad and Jean (my other sister), who still seemed shellshocked by the turn of events.

The only silver lining here is that Mom and Jenna are both responding well to psychotherapy and cognitive-behavioral therapy. We have also done our first group therapy, in which all five of us can work with a mental health professional and heal as a family.


Multiple Sclerosis: A Family Affair




When someone in the family is found to have multiple sclerosis, all the family members are affected in their different ways. Overcoming the challenges as a family does help in tackling and managing the disease. And because multiple sclerosis often affects women more than men, it’s usually the mom that’s diagnosed. As we well know, mom is the woman of the house and the favorite person that everyone runs to. Mom cooks the meals, does the laundry, and keeps everything in the house running. So when she becomes ill with multiple sclerosis, the whole household routine might probably be dislocated and disorganized. Needless to say, it doesn’t matter whether it’s mom, dad, or whoever in the family is diagnosed with the disease. The truth is that when MS is present in one or more family members, it is perplexing for everybody in the family.

Just like multiple sclerosis, how the family deals with it will be distinct from every other family. This autoimmune disorder is very unpredictable, to add to the fact that all families are more or less different from each other. Someone diagnosed with multiple sclerosis may present with fewer disabilities and don’t need much assistance. For another family, on the other hand, their loved one with MS may be extremely affected by her disease and needs moderate to complete assistance and protection in living her life and performing daily activities.

Helping A Family Member

Two of the most crucial things that families can do to support an MS family member are, knowing more about the disease as much as you can and communicating openly with them. Families who are efficiently dealing with MS are those who are capable of talking freely about it and can resolve problems and concerns as a family. If you can’t comfortably talk about it, it’s going to be difficult to deal with whatever circumstance that may come up. It’ll even be more difficult to get into a new routine than what you were used to before your loved one was diagnosed. Discussing what you can about the diseases allows you and the whole family to manage the condition and create an efficient treatment plan.




Talking To The Kids About MS

Discussing multiple sclerosis is vital, even though they’re young. If the symptoms of MS are not visible, you may be hesitant to talk to your kids because you think you don’t have to let them panic about something that they can’t see. However, kids of all ages nowadays are typically perceptive to changes in their siblings’ or parents’ behaviors. They’ll somehow notice when something isn’t right, even if dad or mom doesn’t look like they have an illness. If you don’t try talking to them, your children might worry that you have a problem that’s so dreadful to the point that you can’t discuss it with them.

When you decide to explain it to your children, use simple terminology that is age-appropriate and one that they can comprehend. Just lay down the basics so they won’t be anxious or afraid of what you’re not telling them. Hearing it from their parents themselves assures them that their loved one with MS is the same person – mom or dad – despite their illness.

Keeping It Together As A Family

When someone in the family is found to have multiple sclerosis, it can be overpowering, and the whole family may require the help and guidance in dealing with the medical aspects of MS as well as the mental and emotional aspects. Mental health professionals can aid families in finding strategies that would work for all the members of the family.

So how can all family members survive and thrive when one of them has multiple sclerosis? Here are some of the ways.

Make a plan. The randomness and instability of multiple sclerosis can make things all the more difficult to deal with family life. Nevertheless, the family can still enjoy and make wonderful memories together, and one of the best things that can help is by preparing a plan. For instance, if you are planning to eat out for dinner, be sure that you give a few minutes of extra time to travel to the movie theater. You can check ahead online or perhaps check out the place for accessibility.




Confront your problems head-on. The struggles of life with MS are most likely to persist, so it may help to find time for all family members to converse and solve the problems and circumstances that might arise.

Find support networks. Support groups are healthy channels for help, guidance, and inspiration. It’s an outlet that your loved one with MS can vent out his frustrations, which are not uncommon when a family member has been diagnosed with the condition. By connecting with families that are in similar situations, you can listen to others’ dilemmas and learn from them. You can also help and inspire others by sharing your story.


Scoliosis In The Pandemic Time – How Does The Immune System Work?

The body’s immune system works a lot in safeguarding you against illness, infection, and different types of diseases. It functions with the vast network of tissues, cells, and organs that coordinates the body’s defense system against any internal health threats individuals may experience. Without the immune system’s function, there is a possibility of getting exposed to billions of toxins, bacteria, and viruses. And when there is a weaker immunity, something as minor as a seasonal cold can turn into a fatal and chronic disease.


Into The Blood Stream

For people with scoliosis, who happens to struggle to keep their immunity during this pandemic, understand that they need to keep their blood cells healthy. That is because it contains the required defensive white cells called leukocytes. These cells come from the bone marrow and migrate into the bloodstream to clear body wastes and toxins. As these leukocytes move around the body, they form a security defense that screens the organs and blood tissues for harmful signs. But leukocytes do not function alone. It flows into a system where it relies on cues called antigens, where pathogens and other foreign substances get detected as invading chemicals. As soon the leukocytes cells detect the harmful substances in the body, it alarms it in just a few minutes. From there, the protective immune defense will start to function.


While there is an assurance of immune system buildup, it is essential to understand that threats that affect the body vary. Some diseases can quickly go away, while some may stay longer than expected. Thus, it is normal for the immune response to become equally adaptable, depending on the situation, types of diseases, and the body’s overall health. So with regard to one of the Coronavirus symptoms, which is fever, the body’s immune system responds because it knows there is something wrong inside it. When the body gets warmer, it slows down the spread of bacteria and viruses. However, relying on the body’s immune system alone is not going to defeat the newly-formed Coronavirus. That explains why proper health medication and hospital functions become a requirement.


Struggle Of The Already Struggling

For people with a healthy immune system, they have a significant chance of fighting the virus. Their bodies can find ways to regenerate damaged cells that can slowly eradicate the damaged ones. But for those individuals who experience certain types of medical conditions, such as scoliosis, the healing process tends to be slower than expected. That is why, instead of getting better over time, most of them end up clinically miserable. In unfortunate circumstances, the growth of unhealthy cells cost their lives.

Until now, scientists and experts do not have clear information about the limits and capabilities of the Coronavirus. People know that it gets transmitted through droplets, and once it enters the body, it begins to show physical symptoms. However, after a couple of research, experts understand the value of the infection getting into an asymptomatic stance. In this, people with the virus won’t have signs or symptoms that will determine if they are positive with the virus or not. Thus, it makes it impossible to quickly identify someone who might be a carrier of the disease.


Final thought

The target of the virus is the body’s immune system. Therefore, it is essential that individuals should take better care of it. Honestly, there is no right and wrong method to do that. As long as individuals, especially those struggling with a current medical condition, understand the need for a healthier immune system, they can have a chance against the virus.