Best Autoimmune Diets For Athletes

The 2017 Athletes Conference awarded student-athletes who were outstanding in their academic performance in more than two terms. While it is essential to be exemplary in both curricular and extracurricular activities, it is vital to be wary of one’s health as well because there is a misconception that ALL athletes are healthy. Studies show that some are battling autoimmune diseases, even if these are a hindrance to their sports career. As a remedy, most athletes address this problem by following a strict diet and sticking with it. Read further to know the best autoimmune diets for athletes.

Take In Enough Fiber And Probiotic


Most parts included in the immune system can be found in the gut. Therefore, the presence of good bacteria in the intestinal area is essential. To be able to house a consistent growth of healthy bacteria in this area, athletes should include in their diet those foods that are rich in probiotics and fiber. They should undergo a plant-based diet, and primarily focus on the intake of fermented vegetables. Strict observance of food plans is crucial in ensuring that there is enough energy source from healthy food options.

Follow The Paleo Autoimmune Protocol Diet
This diet stemmed from the famous Paleo Diet, which was inspired by the kinds of food which our Paleolithic ancestors ate. The Autoimmune Protocol Diet focuses on an elimination-type of strategy where it aims to avoid food that might contribute to inflammation. Several examples of this include industrial seed oil, refined sugars, nuts, eggs, gum, emulsifiers, alternative sweeteners, food thickeners, legumes, dairy, grains, and processed food.

Go For Turmeric


The turmeric approach focuses on regulating inflammatory substances in the different areas of the body. This approach is through the help of curcumin, a powerful and effective compound found from this bright orange spice. It has been proven to alleviate inflammatory bowel disease, rheumatoid arthritis, multiple sclerosis, and psoriasis.

Load Up On Omega-3s
Most anti-inflammatory diets have high levels of fat dedicated to nourishing the cells. One example of this is Omega-3. You can find this component in several foods such as walnuts, for your snacks, and fatty fish (salmon), if you are a vegetarian.

Being an athlete is not a guarantee of being healthy. Likewise, not all athletes are healthy. For athletes with autoimmune diseases, it is best to observe strict diet compliance.